
Prezentace dvou korespondencí z jedné bouřlivé doby

středa 11. prosince 2024, 17.00, kavárna Božská lahvice, Bílkova 122/6, Praha 1 - Josefov,  Jan Amos Komenský a Jan Marek Marci z Kronlandu  

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Comenius: education, anthropology & cosmology

14–16 November 2024, Naarden/Amsterdam, The Netherlands international conference, 

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Network of Letters (NETLET) – The correspondence of intellectual elites in turbulent times of Bohemian/Czech history from the digital perspective


The Origins of Modern Encyclopaedism (TOME): Launching Evolutionary Metaphorology



Scholarly publication strategies and correspondence networks of the post-White Mountain Czech Lands (1622–1667)


Forms of humanism in the literature of the Czech lands II (Companion to Central and Eastern European Humanism: The Czech Lands, Part II)


Historiam videre. Testimony, Experience and the Empirical Evidence in the Early Modern Historiography of the Bohemian Lands


Jan Marek Marci of Kronland (1595–1667) in Context of Czech Philosophical Baroque