
Zemřela významná klasická filoložka, teatroložka a editorka díla Jana Amose Komenského PhDr. Markéta Klosová, Ph.D. (*1958).

S velkou lítostí a smutkem oznamujeme, že 9. prosince 2024 nás po krátké a těžké nemoci opustila dlouholetá kolegyně Markéta Klosová. Ať odpočívá v pokoji....

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Prezentace dvou korespondencí z jedné bouřlivé doby

středa 11. prosince 2024, 17.00, kavárna Božská lahvice, Bílkova 122/6, Praha 1 - Josefov,  Jan Amos Komenský a Jan Marek Marci z Kronlandu  

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11 November 2024, the meeting room of the FLÚ, Jilská 1, Prague 1

Dr. Giles Bergel (University of Oxford)


Library of Czech Academy of Sciences
Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History
of The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences



Invitation to download here.


Computer vision – or the extraction of useful data from images – has made great progress in recent years and is now often considered as a branch of AI. This hands-on workshop will demonstrate how computer vision is being used in cultural heritage research and curation. The first half of the workshop will showcase collaborations between the Visual Geometry Group (VGG) and researchers in book and art history, including the e-Ilustrace Database of Early-Modern Czech Book Illustration. The second half will allow participants to try some of the tools used in these collaborations. No familiarity with AI, computer vision or coding is required, but participants will need a laptop.

If you would like to attend, please fill in this form:


 Bergel workshop 11.11.24