
Pamětní medaili Josefa Hlávky získal přední komeniolog Martin Steiner

PhDr. Martin Steiner 16. 11. 2024, zámek Lužany, Nadace Josefa Hlávky...

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10. 5. 2023, 16.30, zasedací místnost FLÚ (1. patro), Jilská 1, Praha 1


Dr. Aira Võsa (Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, The Estonian Academy of Sciences)

Přednáška se koná v rámci bilaterálního mobilitního projektu.

Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku, Filosofický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.

Viz také pozvánku.



In the early modern period, Livonia was hit by a series of religious crises or depressions, accompanied by political and ecclesiastical changes. Religious crises in this context can be interpreted as the transformation of a clerically homogeneous and stable situation into an unstable one, deviations from the normative practices of piety, or the pluralism that replaced the monopolistic status of one denomination. From these presuppositions grew the theological-polemical literature that is the focus of the planned presentation. In particular, it will look at the texts of Livonian authors that were motivated by Counter-Reformation, superstition, syncretism, spiritualism and pietism.

Ludwig Dunte Reval 1640 Frontispis cut