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16. 9. 2022, 10.00, zasedací místnost FLÚ, 1. patro
- přednáška,

Bayron Hernan Giral Ospina (Universidad Pedagogica Nacional de Colombia)


Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku

Invitation to download here.


The main goal of this lecture is to characterize civic education, the starting point of which is the philosopher Jan Patočka, because he gives us some elements to understand this process as part of political education. In the first part of the lecture, attention will be paid to the structure of education from a phenomenological point of view. The second part of the lecture is focused on the process of identifying the components of citizen education. And finally, the last part of the lecture supports the idea that human rights education is central to the education of citizens.


Bayron Hernán Giral Ospina: Bachelor Degree in Philosophy and doctoral student in the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colombia. Member of the group "Philosphy and teaching philosophy". His interests are in the humanities, in the areas of phenomenology, politics and education.. Some of his previous papers include: "The sense of the political: a phenomenological approach" (2020), "Politics: between allagmatics and cybernetics" (2019). "Approaches to a political phenomenology of migration" (2020).