
Komenského nejrozsáhlejší biblické dílo Manualník a jeho úskalí

4. 3. 2025, 17.00, Dolní sál ÚČL AV ČR, Na Florenci 3, Praha 1,  Tomáš Havelka (vedoucí Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku FLÚ AV ČR, v....

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Jan Patočka o Labyrintu světa a ráji srdce

21. 2. 2025, 15.30, VOŠ Jabok, Salmovská 8, Praha 2, Dr. Věra Schifferová (Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku FLU AV ČR, v. v. i.)...

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«  March 2025  »
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  • historiam videre reznikova obalka 2024

    Historiam videre

    Zrak, svědectví a zkušenost v dějepisectví Jednoty bratrské (1600–1660)


    Lenka Řezníková
    Praha: Scriptorium, 2024
    ISBN: 978-80-7649-060-4

    více o knize

  • Korespondence Jana Marka Marciho z Kronlandu


    Magda Králová, Kateřina Šolcová, Zdeněk Žalud (eds.)
    Praha: Filosofia, 2024
    ISBN: 978-80-7007-766-5

    více o knize

  • 217

    Johannis Amos Comenii Opera Omnia / Dílo Jana Amose Komenského. Sv. 26/II.


    Markéta Klosová, Vladimír Urbánek et al. (eds.)
    Praha: Academia, 2024. 312 s., 28 s. obr. příl.
    ISBN 978-80-200-3563-9 (váz.)

    více o knize

  • Nová ediční řada Comenius

    Diogenes kynik znovu naživu a Patriarcha Abraham

    Jan Amos Komenský


    Markéta Klosová (překlad)
    Praha: Filosofia, 2024
    ISBN: 978-80-7007-755-9

    více o knize

  • Acta Comeniana 36 (LX)

    International Review of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History

    Lucie Storchová, Vladimír Urbánek (eds.)
    Praha: Filosofia, 2022
    ISSN: 978-80-7007-765-8

    více o knize

  • Knize knih vstric Pavlas 2023

    Knize knih vstříc

    Herbornský encyklopedismus a konstelace Komenský–Leibniz

    Petr Pavlas
    Praha: Filosofia, 2023
    ISBN 978-80-7007-754-2

    více o knize

  • duchovni traktaty i duchovni traktaty ii w350

    Jan Amos Komenský

    Duchovní traktáty I / Duchovní traktáty II

    Tomáš Havelka (ed.)
    Praha – Brno: Host, 2023
    ISBN 978-80-275-1344-4

    více o knize

  • valka ARGO 2022

    Josef Válka a myšlení o dějinách

    Martin Nodl, Vladimír Urbánek (edd.)
    Praha: Argo, 2022
    ISBN 978-80-257-3912-9

    více o knize

  • Acta Comeniana 35 (LIX)

    International Review of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History

    Lucie Storchová, Vladimír Urbánek (eds.)
    Praha: Filosofia, 2021
    ISSN: 978-80-7007-708-5

    více o knize

  • 217

    Johannis Amos Comenii Opera Omnia / Dílo Jana Amose Komenského. Sv. 19/II.

    Martin Steiner, Vojtěch Balík, Věra Schifferová et al. (eds.)
    Praha: Academia, 2022. 332 s., 16 s. obr. příl.
    ISBN 978-80-200-3398-7 (váz.)

    více o knize

  • 217

    J. A. K.

    Komenský v kulturách vzpomínání

    Vladimír Urbánek, Lenka Řezníková, Tomáš Havelka, Helena Kovářová, Kateřina Horníčková
    Praha: Filosofický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., 2021
    ISBN 978-80-270-9450-9

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    katalog z výstavy
  • 217

    Řád přírody, řád společnosti

    Adaptace melanchthonismu v českých zemích v polovině 16. století

    Lucie Storchová
    Scriptorium, 2021
    ISBN: 978-80-7649-000-0

    více o knize


Welcome to the website of the Department for Comenius Studies and Intellectual History of the Early Modern Period (OKID for short), currently the only department in the Czech Republic that focuses on publishing and researching the works of Jan Amos Comenius in the broad context of the intellectual history of the early modern period.

The main task of the department is to study the life and work of Jan Amos Komenský and the broader context of the intellectual history of the Czech lands and Central Europe in the early modern period. At present, OKID is the only department in the Czech Republic that is systematically devoted to the work of Comenius, both in the field of editing and interpretation. In recent years, OKID has also emerged as an important centre for the study of humanism in the Czech lands. Within the Institute, its activities are mainly related to research projects devoted to the history of Czech thought. The main emphasis is on the preparation of the critical edition of The Works of Jan Amos Comenius - J. A. Comenii Opera omnia. According to this task, which has a history of more than fifty years, a versatile team of workers has been assembled, consisting of classical philologists, Bohemians, historians and philosophers, capable of mapping the entire breadth of Comenius' work, written mainly in two languages: Latin and Czech. An important part of the work is also the preparation of the Comenius series of editions and translations, which includes mainly Czech translations of Comenius' works, and the publication of the Acta Comeniana, an international journal of Comenius and the intellectual history of the early modern period. At the same time, the department's staff also researches other topics related to the intellectual history of the early modern period, such as scholarly correspondence networks, the transfer of Melanchthonian natural philosophy, humanism in the Czech lands, encyclopaedic projects in Central Europe, early modern historiography in relation to empirical epistemology, transcultural transfers in early modern culture, metaphors of knowledge, early modern drama and Greek poetry in the Czech lands, etc. An integral part of the research interest of the department is the history of Comenius studies, i.e. the field devoted to the history of Comenius studies and their important representatives. For more information see the scientific focus of the team.