
History of Scholarship and the Global Imagination

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Analysing Paracelsus's Views of Alchemy with Digital Humanities Methods

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Mgr. Kateřina Lochmanová, Ph.D.

Mgr. Kateřina Lochmanová, Ph.D.

Work position: Post-doc

Fields of Specialization:

Physics and natural philosophy of G. W. Leibniz; the interconnection of early modern theoretical knowledge with (technical) praxis; analysis situs

kancelář/office: 308a
tel.: +420 727 897 254
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Education and Academic Qualifications

- 2021: The University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts, philosophy, doctoral thesis: Analysis situs՚ in the Context of Leibniz՚s Correspondence with Clarke (in Czech)

- 2017: The University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts, philosophy, master thesis: Iracionality of a Wager on Life՚ in the Context of Benatar՚s Antinatalism (in Czech)

- 2015: The University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts, philosophy, bachelor thesis: Zero in Relation to Zeno՚s Paradoxes (in Czech)

Work Experience

- January 2024 – December 2025: Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History (post-doc position: Physics or Theoria cum praxi՚ in the Context of the Natural Philosophy of G. W. Leibniz)

- April 2022 – December 2024: University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts (project GAČR: Early Modern Mosaic Physics and Its Comenian Successors)

- September 2020 – June 2022: Monty School Ostrava (timetable preparation, tandem teaching of physics, tutoring of various subjects at primary and secondary school, both in Czech and English)

Research Fields of Interest

- Physics and natural philosophy of G. W. Leibniz

- Leibnizʼs geometry (analysis situs)

- The interconnection of early modern theoretical knowledge with (technical) praxis

Lectures and Mentoring

- September 2020 – June 2022: Monty School Ostrava (tandem teaching of physics, tutoring of various subjects at primary and secondary school and at an affiliated language school, both in Czech and English)

- September 2019 – February 2020: University of Ostrava (teaching Philosophy of Enlightenment course)

- September – December 2017: Veselá věda, z.ú (teaching Funny Science course)

Scholarships and Study Visits

- Germany, Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz bibliothek, 3.–9.8.2019; branch in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 24.–30.7.2022 [study of manuscripts]

- Poland, Czestochowa: Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, 6.–15.5.2019 and 10.–19.7.2021 [PROM program – preparing Visegrad grant application with the Polish Leibniz Society; library queries]

- Germany, Heidelberg: Privates Bildungsinstitut Alpha Aktiv, 16.–22.8.2020 [language course Super-intensive German].

Research Grants and Projects

- 2022–2024: co-investigator in the grant project GAČR Early Modern Mosaic Physics and Its Comenian Successors (GA22-00669S)

- 2019–2021: scholarship Support of Talented Students of Doctoral Studies at the University of Ostrava (00382/2019/RRC)

- 2019–2020: co-investigator in the grant project SGS White Spots in History and Present State of Philosophy: Personalities and Themes on the Edge of the Canon (SGS03/FF/2019-2020)

- 2015–2016: co-investigator in the grant project SGS Practical Implications of the Subject Concept in Contemporary Philosophy (SGS04/FF/2015-2016)



- Leibniz v zajetí dialogů: Aplikace dialogické metody při korespondenci s Clarkem [Leibniz in the Captivity of Dialogues: The Application of the Dialogical Method in the Correspondence with Clarke]. Filosofický časopis, 71 (2023),  1, pp. 135–148. ISSN 0015-1831.

- Inercialita v kontextu Leibnizovy korespondence s Clarkem [Inertiality in the Context of Leibnizʼs Correspondence with Clarke]. Teorie vědy/Theory of Science, 42 (2020), 2, pp. 201–228. ISSN 1210-0250.

- Leibniz a ideální prostor [Leibniz and Ideal Space]. In: Studia humanitatis: Ars hermeneutica: Metodologie a theurgie hermeneutické interpretace. Vol. 8. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2020, pp. 101–110. ISBN 978-80-7599-211-6.

- Immensum v kontextu Leibnizovy korespondence s Clarkem  [Immensum in the Context of Leibnizʼs Correspondence with Clarke]. Studia theologica, 22 (2020), 1, pp. 137–159. ISSN 1212-8570.

- Ontologický status ideálního prostoru u Leibnize [The Ontological Status of Ideal Space in Leibniz’s Theory]. Pro-Fil, 20 (2019), 2, pp. 30–41. ISSN 1210-0250.

- Funkce složených substancí v rámci Leibnizovy metafyziky [The Composite Substancesʼ Function within Leibnizʼs Metaphysics]. Reflexe: Filozofický časopis,  2019, 56, pp. 89–106. ISSN 0862-6901.

- Jakým relacionalistou byl Leibniz? [Leibniz: What Kind of Relationalist?]. Teorie vědy/Theory of Science. 2019, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 21–57. ISSN 1210-0250.

- Absolutní prostor: Empirický fakt, nebo nepodložená hypotéza? [Absolute Space: Empirical Fact, or an ungrounded Hypothesis?]. In: Quaere: Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků interdisciplinární mezinárodní vědecké konference doktorandů a odborných asistentů QUAERE 2019. Vol. 9. Hradec Králové: Magnanimitas, 2019, pp. 1143–1153. ISBN 978-80-87952-30-6.

- Leibniz a složené substance [Leibniz and Composite Substances]. In: Quaere: Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků interdisciplinární mezinárodní vědecké konference doktorandů a odborných asistentů QUAERE 2019. Vol. 9. Hradec Králové: Magnanimitas, 2019, pp. 1154–1162. ISBN 978-80-87952-30-6.

- Jak Leibniz neovlivnil Einsteina: Aneb Dvojí dezinterpretace trojího prostoru [How Leibniz did not Influence Einstein: Or a Double Desinterpretation of a Triple Space]. In: Studia humanitatis: Ars hermeneutica: Metodologie a theurgie hermeneutické interpretace. Vol. 7. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, 2018, pp. 93–105. ISBN 978-80-7599-026-6.

- Patočka a Zénón: Divergence obsahu a formy odborného pojednání [Patočka and Zeno: The Content/Form Divergence of a Scientific Treatise]. Aluze, 2017, 4, pp. 81–102. ISSN 1803-3784.

- Svoboda subjektu jakožto primární téma Bytí a nicoty [Freedom of Subject as a Main Topic of Being and Nothingness]. In: Dolák, A. (ed.). Subjekt v moderním prostředí, jazyce a komunikaci. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, 2016, pp. 55–74. ISBN 978-80-7464-847-2. 

- Hermeneutické aspekty asymetrie dobra a zla [Hermeneutical Aspect of an Asymetrical Relationship between Good and Evil]. In: Studia Humanitatis: Ars Hermeneutica: Metodologie a theurgie hermeneutické interpretace. Vol. 6. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, 2016, pp. 73–86. ISBN 978-80-7464-857-1.

- Filosofie (meta-předstírané) vraždy [Philosophy of a (Meta-pretended) Murder]. In: Jůzl, M. (ed.). Epistemologická východiska penitenciární vědy. Brno: Institut mezioborových studií, 2015, pp. 124–133. ISBN 978-80-88010-03-6.

- Trojí odpovědnost ve vědě [Triple Responsibility in Science]. In: Drozenová, Wendy (ed.). Etika a věda: Etická dilemata ve vědecké práci. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, 2013, pp. 119–127. ISBN 978-80-7464-180-0.


Čížek, J. – Lochmanová, K. – Šmiřák, T. et al. John Toland a jeho Křesťanství bez mystérií [John Toland and His Christianity not Mysterious]. Pro-Fil, 17 (2016), 2, pp. 30–41. ISSN 1210-0250.

Conferences, lectures, posters

- Makovský, J. – Lochmanová, K. Summer School of Philosophy. Velké Losiny, 2019 [garants of a two-days long series of lectures on Mathematics and the sciences].

-  Vohánka, V.  – Lochmanová, K. – Svoboda, F. Antinatalism or To Be or Not to Be? Ostrava, 2017.

- From Protogaea to Thermodynamics. Scientiae: Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World. Prague, 2023.

- Inercialita: Slepá ulička Leibnizovy korespondence s Clarkem [Inertiality: The Impasse O Leibnizʼs Correspondence with Clarke]. Jednota filosofická. Olomouc, 2021.

- Analysis Situs as a Forgotten Episode in History of Science. Historyk – Fakt – Metoda. Czestochowa, 2019.

- Absolutní prostor: Empirický fakt, nebo nepodložená hypotéza? [Absolute space: Empirical Fact, or an Ungrounded Hypothesis?]. QUAERE: Interdisciplinární mezinárodní vědecká konference doktorandů a odborných asistentů. Hradec Králové, 2019.

- Leibniz a složené substance [Leibniz and Composite Substances]. QUAERE: Interdisciplinární mezinárodní vědecká konference doktorandů a odborných asistentů. Hradec Králové, 2019.

- Analysis situs between Newton and Monadology. From Quadrivium to Natural Sciences: New Impulses in the Traditional Framework. Ostrava, 2018.

- Jak Leibniz neovlivnil Einsteina: Aneb Dvojí dezinterpretace trojího prostoru [How Leibniz Did not Influence Einstein: Or a Double Desinterpretation of a Triple Space]. Studia humanitatis: Ars hermeneutica: Metodologie a theurgie hermeneutické interpretace VII. Ostrava, 2018.

- Benatar versus Epikuros prismatem Zenónových aporií [Benatar versus Epicurus in terms of Zeno’s Paradoxes]. Antinatalismus aneb Nebýt či být? Ostrava, 2017.

- Šiler, V. – Lochmanová, K. Paradoxy pohybu [Paradoxes of Motion]. Noc vědců. Ostrava, 2017.

- Proč studovat fyziku aneb Není tekutina jako tekutina [Why to Study Physics Or Not Every Liquid Is the Same]. Studentská vědecká konference. Ostrava, 2017.

- Lochmanová, K. – Svoboda, F. Bezpečnost (řížená diskuse) [Safety (moderated discussion)]. Noc vědců. Ostrava, 2016.

- Hermeneutické aspekty asymetrie dobra a zla [Hermeneutical Aspect of an Asymetrical Relationship between Good and Evil]. Studia humanitatis: Ars hermeneutica: Metodologie a theurgie hermeneutické interpretace VI. Ostrava, 2016.  

- Svoboda, F. – Lochmanová, K. Studující filosofové vyprávějí o aktuálnosti, budoucnosti a praktičnosti filosofie [Philosophy Students Speak about the Topicality, Future, and Use of Philosophy]. 3Art Beat Festival. Ostrava, 2015.

- Svoboda, F. – Lochmanová, K. Smrt a znovuzrození: O negativní hodnotě zrození [Death and Rebirth: On a Negative Value of Birth]. 3Art Beat Festival. Ostrava, 2015.

- Filosofie (meta-předstírané) vraždy [Philosophy of a (Meta-Pretended) Murder]. Studentská vědecká konference. Ostrava, 2015.

- Zenónova kritika vědy aneb postmoderna v antice [Zenoʼs Criticism of Science Or a Postmodernity in Antiquity]. Kvodlibetní filosofický seminář. Havířov, 2014.

- Trojí odpovědnost ve vědě [Triple Responsibility in Science]. Ostrava: Etika a věda: Etická dilemata ve vědecké práci, Ostrava, 2013.

Organization of International Workshops and Conferences

- Vohánka, V. – Černý, D. – Lochmanová, K. et al. Antinatalism under Fire. Prague, 2018.

Other publishing aktivity

- Lochmanová, K. (ed.). History of Antinatalism: How Philosophy Has Challenged the Question of Procreation. Seattle: Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020. ISBN 979-864-562-425-5.

- History of Antinatalism: From Modern Age to Present. In: Möss, A. N. (ed.). Antinatalism Magazine. Vol. 3. Seattle: Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020, pp. 87–111. ISBN 979-861-768-013-5.

- History of Antinatalism: From Modern Age to Present. In: Möss, A. N. (ed.). Antinatalism Magazine. Vol. 3. Seattle: Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020, pp. 87–111. ISBN 979-861-768-013-5.   

- Möss, A. N. – Lochmanová, K. Interview with Katerina Lochmanová. In: MÖSS, Andreas (ed.). Antinatalism Magazine. Vol. 3. Seattle: Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020, pp. 81–86. ISBN 979-861-768-013-5.