
Komenského nejrozsáhlejší biblické dílo Manualník a jeho úskalí

4. 3. 2025, 17.00, Dolní sál ÚČL AV ČR, Na Florenci 3, Praha 1,  Tomáš Havelka (vedoucí Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku FLÚ AV ČR, v....

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Jan Patočka o Labyrintu světa a ráji srdce

21. 2. 2025, 15.30, VOŠ Jabok, Salmovská 8, Praha 2, Dr. Věra Schifferová (Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku FLU AV ČR, v. v. i.)...

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Mgr. Marcela Slavíková, Ph.D.

Work position: Research fellow and Editor of Latin works in critical edition J. A. Comenii Opera omnia.

Research Fields of Interest:
- early modern correspondence
- early modern Bohemian poetry composed in Latin and Greek
- multilingualism of early modern literature, code-switching from Latin to Humanist Greek and to vernaculars
- editing early modern texts (manuscripts and early modern prints including incunabula)

ASEP ORCID iD icon 32x32

kancelář/office: 101a
tel.: +420 221 183 311
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Education and academic qualification

- July 2022 – October 2022: Three months research stay at the University of Oxford, St Ann’s College, mentor Howard Hotson; mobility project Memphis II.

- 13–16 March 2018: COST-Action IS 1310 Training School 'EMLO on the road', Tallinn; how to work with the EMLO databaze, The Comenius Catalogue

- 2006–2014: Ph.D. student at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute for Greek and Latin Studies. Ph.D. thesis: Aristides Quintilianus a postavení jeho spisu Peri músikés mezi dochovanými hudebně-teoretickými spisy (Aristides Quintilianus and the Position His Work on Music Holds among the Extant Musicological Treatises)

- August/September 2013: research stay at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań

- 1999–2006: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute for Greek and Latin Studies, Master in Latin and Ancient Greek. MA thesis: Pseudo-Plútarchos O hudbě – úvod, překlad a komentář (Pseudo-Plutarch On Music – Introduction, Translation, Commentary)

Work experience

- since April 2014: Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, editorial work; since 2020: research assistant, Early Modern literature and intellectual history

- since 2006: Christian Grammar School in Hostivař (Křesťanské gymnázium), teaching of Latin

- 2019–2020: Hussite Theological Faculty, teaching of the New Testament Greek

- 2016–2018: Grammar School Na Zatlance (Gymnázium na Zatlance), teaching of Latin for students of medicine, law and veterinary science

- 2013–2016: Paneuropean University, Faculty of Law, teaching of Latin for lawyers

Research grants

- since 2025: Project GAČR 25-15794S Europa Humanistica III. Sigismundus Gelenius (1497–1554): His Editions and Translations of Ancient Classics (principal investigator).

- since 2024: Czech-French mobility project (Barrande mobility program) Representations of Rulers in Early Modern Literature from the Bohemian Lands and France between the Czech Academy of Sciences and École Pratique des Hautes Études de Paris (principal investigator of the Czech team; the French team is coordinated by Virginie Leroux).

- September 2023 – December 2024: Project ERC-2022-STG TOME (The Origins of Modern Encyclopaedism: Launching Evolutionary Metaphorology); team member (supervising the young researchers).

- since 2023: Project NAKI Network of Letters (NETLET) - korespondence intelektuálních elit v přelomových dobách českých dějin (The Correspondence of the Intellectual Elites in the Critical Moments of Bohemian History) (team member; correspondence in Latin).

- since 2023: Project GAČR 23-06645S Učenecké publikační strategie a korespondenční sítě pobělohorských českých zemí (Scholarly publication strategies and correspondence networks of the post-White Mountain Czech Lands) (team member; correspondence in Latin).

- 2022–2024: Project GAČR 22-03419S Podoby humanismu v literatuře českých zemí II (Forms of Humanism in Literature of the Bohemian Lands II; Companion to Central and Eastern European Humanism: The Czech Lands, Part II) (team member; poetry composed in Latin and Humanist Greek).

- July 2022 – October 2022: Mobility project Memphis II (three months research stay at the University of Oxford, St Ann’s College) research into the correspondence of Joachim Hübner and Johann Amos Comenius; codeswitching from Neo-Latin to Humanist Greek and vernacular languages.

- since 2022: GA ČR, Podoby humanismu v literatuře českých zemí II (Companion to Central and Eastern European Humanism: The Czech Lands, Part II) (team member; poetry composed in Latin and Humanist Greek).

- 2021–2023: Member of the mobility project with Estonia Literary Representations of Early Modern Crisis in Central and North Eastern Europe; team member; crisis in the Bohemian poetry of the 16th and 17th century.

- 2020–2022: GA ČR, Historiam videre: Testimony, Experience and the Empirical Evidence in the Early Modern Historiography of the Bohemian Lands; team member; proofreadings and background research.

- 2019–2022: Member of the research team of the LINDAT / CLARIAH-CZ project (sub-project MEMORI, Comenius online) supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, headed by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University (MFF UK); editing the Comenius Catalogue in the online database Early Modern Letters Online

- 2019–2021: GA ČR, GA ČR: Europa humanistica II., Čeští a moravští editoři a překladatelé a antická tradice, [Bohemian and Moravian Editors and Interpreters and the Ancient Tradition]; team member; editorial activities of Johannes Honorius Cubitensis

- 2016–2021: An international Project The Hellenizing Muse; team member; Humanist Greek poetry in Bohemia

- 2016–2018: GA ČR – Podoby humanismu v Českých zemích (1469–622), [Forms of Humanism in Literature of the Bohemian Lands (1469–1622)]; team member; poetry composed in Humanist Greek; poetry composed in Latin

- 2014–2018: GA ČR, Between Renaissance and Baroque: Philosophy and Knowledge in the Czech Lands within the Wider European Context; team member; editor of Comenius's Latin correspondence

- one–year grant GA UK 2013, Pseudo-Plútarchos, O hudbě (Pseudo-Plutarch, On Music)

Conferences and workshops

- 4 December 2024: An invited lecture on didactics of Latin; Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts of Charles University of Prague.

- 31 October–1 November 2024: International conference Representing Muscovites in Early Modern Textual Cultures in Prague; paper: "Ne Moscis simus praeda cruenta: Aegidius Salius the Bohemian on the Muscovite threat to Europe (1570)".

- 10 October 2024:  Internal international workshop Case Studies on the Representations of Rulers in Early Modern France and Bohemia: Rhetorical and Discursive Devices, organised in Paris for the team members of the Czech-French Mobility project Representations of Rulers in Early Modern Bohemian Land and France; in cooperation with Virginie Leroux (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris); paper: "Serenissimo et potentissimo principi: Frederick of the Palatinate and Ferdinand II of Styria in the contemporary Bohemian literary sources".

2 October 2024: International Workshop 2nd School of Evolutionary Metaphorology in Dobřichovice; paper: "Metaphors of Music in Comenius and Early Modern Science".

25–29 September 2024: International conference Identities in the Early Modern Period in Aarhus; paper: "Regem nasci magnum est, at regno dignum se praestare maximum: Discussions on nobilitas hereditaria in the Central European context (c. 1590–1610)".

- July 2024: Internal international workshop Discussing the Representations of Rulers in Early Modern Bohemia and France: Genres, organised in Prague for the team members of the Czech-French Mobility project Representations of Rulers in Early Modern Bohemian Land and France; in cooperation with Virginie Leroux (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris); paper: "Bohemiae Atlas, gaza pacis, gloria deliciumque terrae: Frederick of the Palatinate in the contemporary Bohemian literary sources".

- 13 December 2023: 400. výročí Labyrintu světa a Lusthauzu srdce, výzva k online čtení 13. prosince 2023 / 400th Anniversary of the Labyrinth of the World and Lusthauz of the Heart, the entire day online reading: chapter XXII: Poutník mezi novináře trefil/The Pilgrim Finds Himself among the Newsmen.

- 21–22 September 2023: International conference Representing Crisis in Early Modern Literature; in collaboration with the Estonian Academy of Sciences; paper: Denotat attoniti quid tremor iste soli? Earthquakes as Representations of Early Modern Crisis in Bohemian Literary Texts (c. 1570–1620).

- 1–10 August 2023: Research stay in Moretus-Plantin Museum in Antwerp and KBR in Brussels (searching for the Humanist correspondence of Bohemian origin, project: GAČR 23-06645S Scholarly publication strategies and correspondence networks of the post-White Mountain Czech Lands.

- December 2022: Dissemination workshop as a result of the project Memphis II (Codeswitching between Neo-Latin and Humanist-Greek in the correspondence of Johann Amos Comenius; codeswitching from Latin into vernacular languages in Joachim Hübner’s correspondence; interraction between Neo-Latin and Humanist-Greek in the graduation poems of Bohemian origin).

- 24 November 2022: International workshop Učenecká korespondence a praxe vícejazyčnosti mezi republikou učenců a počátky moderní národní společnosti [Learned Correspondence and Practice of Multiligualism between the Republic of Letters and the Beginnings of the Modern National Society], Prague; Amandus Polanus z Polansdorfu (1561-1610), Praxe vícejazyčnosti v jeho korespondenci a deníku [Amand Polan of Polansdorf (1561–1610), Codeswitching in his Correspondence and Diary].

- 13–14 October 2022: International workshop Latin-Greek code-switching in early modernity, Leuven; Nondum satis ἀκριβῶς pertractata: Latin-Greek Code-Switching in Johannes Amos Comenius’s Correspondence.

- 13 September 2022: International workshop in Tallinn One crisis after another: How to interpret literary sources while studying early modern crises; in collaboration with the Estonian Academy of Sciences; příspěvek: Earthquakes as God’s Warning (The Bohemian Lands between 1590–1620).

- 31 July – 6 August 2022: International conference IANLS in Leuven; Τζεσχογενῶν φωτῶν πανάριστοι: The Interaction between Humanist Greek and Neo-Latin in Graduation Poems of Bohemian Origin (1537-1622); a poster presenting first two volumes of Comenius’s correspondence: Johannis Amos Comenii Opera omnia 26/I and 26/II – Epistulae.

- 18 July – 24 October 2022: Mobility project Memphis II (A three-month research stay at the University of Oxford; mentor: Prof. Howard Hotson); code-switching in early modern correspondence (Johann Amos Comenius and Joachim Hübner) and poetry of Bohemian origin.

- 7–11 March 2022: The team members of the Czech-Estonian mobility project titled Literary Representations of Early Modern Crisis in Central and North Eastern Europe meet in Prague; the Czech party presents to Dr. Kristi Viiding their plans for the autumn research visit in Tallinn; Earthquakes as God’s Punishment and More (The Bohemian Lands between 1600–1620).

- 6 November 2021: A Week in the Czech Academy of Sciences; Comenius’s Correspondence: With whom he corresponded, why and how?; Joachim Hübner and his review of Comenius’s Didactica Magna (reading online).

- 1–4 September 2021: Between the Labyrinth and the Way of Light, Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge and Johannes Amos Comenius; Ne translatis vocabulis utar: Metaphors in the Correspondence of Joachim Hübner (1611-1666).

- 26 August 2021: Form and Genre in Humanist Greek; online international Hellenostephanos seminar organised by the University of Tartu; Τοίη οὖν Πράγης ἐπεὶ ἐστ᾿ Ἀκαδημία ἡμῖν: Genres and Metres in Humanist Greek Graduation Poems Originating from the University of Prague and Beyond  (1580–1622).

- 1–2 July 2021: Parler avec les mots d’autrui; online international conference of the Europa Humanistica; Haec ille: Some Remarks on Quotations in the Editions and Commentaries by Johannes Honorius Cubitensis (c. 1465–1504).

- Reading Comenius Universally. Online international workshop commemorating 350 years since Comenius's death; Comenius's letter to friends in Leszno, 15 November 2020.

- Disticha culta lege: Some Remarks on the Edition of Martial's Xenia et Apophoreta by Johannes Honorius Cubitensis. International conference Influence et réception du poète Martial, de sa mort à nos jours, 24–25 October 2019, Université Paris-Nanterre

- Autorem enarrare Pelasgum: Some Parallels between Matthaeus Collinus's Specimen studii ac laborum (1557) and Joachim Camerarius's Commentarius explicationis primi libri Iliados (1538). International conference Universitätsprofessoren in (Mittel-) Europa vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit (15.–18. Jahrhundert); University Professors in (Central) Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period (15th–18the Century), 10–11 June 2019

- Greek Poetry in the Czech Lands. International workshop The Hellenizing Muse in Venice, 30–31 August 2018

- Humanist Greek Poetry in the Bohemian Lands. International conference Humanist Greek (HUG) – Perspectives for a New Field of Studies, Helsinki, 23–25 August 2018

- Discussing a Critical Edition of Johann Amos Comenius's Correspondence: Genres, Styles, and Languages. 17th International Congress of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS) in Albacete, Spain, 29 July–3 August 2018

- COST-Action IS 1310 Training School 'EMLO on the road', Tallinn (how to work with the database), 13–16 March 2018

- Recte enim a Nasone tuo scriptum est: P. Ovidius v díle Erasma Rotterdamského. [Recte enim a Nasone tuo scriptum est: P. Ovidius in the work of Erasmus.]. Contribution to the Conference: Roma aurea MMXVII: Ovidiovské kontexty a inspirace: Kolokvium k 2000. výročí úmrtí P. Ovidia Nasona, Prague, 30 November – 2 December 2017, FF UK

- Vir non vulgari eloquentia: Joachim Hübner's Elegance of Expression. Contribution to the International Workshop Rhetoric and Genres of Learned Communication in Early Modern Central Europe: From Humanist Correspondence to Scholarly Journal, Prague, 19–20 October 2017, Department of Comenius Studies and Early Moderly Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.

Memberships in international scientific associations

- since 2016: International Association of Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS)


- since 2006: Christian Grammar School in Hostivař (Křesťanské gymnázium), teaching of Latin

- 2019–2020: Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague; teaching of the New Testament Greek

- 2016–2018: Grammar School Na Zatlance (Gymnázium na Zatlance), teaching of Latin for students of medicine, law and veterinary science

- 2013–2016: Paneuropean University, Faculty of Law, teaching of Latin for lawyers



- Vaculínová, M. – Storchová, L. – Slavíková, M. – Neškudla, B. – Podavka, O. – Králová, M. (eds.). Bohemian Editors and Translators at the Turn of the 16th Century. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. [Europa humanistica: Bohemia and Moravia; Volume 3.]. ISBN 978-2-503-59859-8.

- Rottedamský, E. Užitečná rozprava o vedení války s Turky s výkladem Žalmu. [A Useful Discussion on the Turkish War Including an Explanation of Psalm 28.]. Introduction, Translation, Annotations. Prague: Academia, 2018. ISBN 978-80-200-2780-1.
[Review: Vaculínová, M. Listy filologické, 142 (2019), 3–4, pp. 513–516.]

- Pseudo–Plútarchos. O hudbě. Úvod, překlad a komentář. [Pseudo-Plutarch. On Music. Introduction, Translation, Commentary.]. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7298-505-0.
[Review: Stříbrná, A. Avriga, 62 (2020), 1, pp. 129–132.]


- Nondum satis ἀκριβῶς pertractata: Latin-Greek Code-Switching in Johannes Amos Comenius’s Correspondence. Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures, 10 (2024), doi:

- „Existuje obludnější a podivnější způsob argumentace?“: Joachim Hübner a jeho recenze první verze Komenského Velké didaktiky [“Is there a more monstrous and stranger way to reason?” Joachim Hübner and his review of the first version of Comenius’ Great Didactic]. Česká literatura, 145 (2023), 4, pp. 498–519.

- Librum pulcherrimum et utilissimum edidit: Editions of Horace by Johannes Honorius Cubitensis (ca 1465–1504). In Enenkel, K. – Laureys, M. (eds.). Horace across the Media: Textual, Visual and Musical Receptions of Horace from the 15th to the 18th Century, Intersections 2022, pp. 445–479.

- Disticha culta lege: Some remarks on the edition of Martial’s Xenia et Apophoreta by Johannes Honorius Cubitensis (1488; 14982). In Wolff, Étienne (ed.). Influence et réception du poète Martial, de sa mort à nos jours. Ausonius Éditions. Bordeaux, 2022, pp. 161–172.

- Vir non vulgari eloquentia: Joachim Hübner’s Elegance of Expression. In Acta Comeniana, 34 (2020), pp. 49–64.

- Lectures on Homer at Non-Catholic Universities in Central Europe as attested in Matthaeus Collinus's Specimen studii ac laborum (1557) and Joachim Camerarius's Commentarius explicationis primi libri Iliados (1538). Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis, 60 (2020), 1, pp. 219–229.

- Γενεὴν Βοίημος. Humanist Greek Poetry in the Bohemian Lands. In Kajava, M. – Korhonen, T. – Vesterinen, J. (eds.). MEILICHA DÔRA: Poems and Prose in Greek from Renaissance and Eearly Modern Europe. Vaasa: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2020, pp. 247–267.[Commentationes humanarum litterarum; 138.]. On-line:

- Balbinus, Ioannes; Banno, Ioannes; Chorinnus, Ioannes; Hanno, Martinus; Hynconius, Ioachimus. In Storchová, L. (ed.). Companion to Central and Eastern European Humanism, Volume 2, The Czech Lands. Part 1, A–L. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. 134–140; 141–144; 255–260; 522–526; 585–589.

- Recte enim a Nasone tuo scriptum est: P. Ovidius v díle Erasma Rotterdamského. [Ovid in the Work of Erasmus.]. Auriga, 61 (2019), 1, pp. 111–131, ISSN 1211-3379.

- Komenského myšlenky o hudbě. [Comenius's thoughts on music.]. In Řezníková, L. – Urbánek, V. (eds.). Ex definitione: Pansofické pojmy J. A. Komenského a jejich dobové kontexty: Studie Martinu Steinerovi. Praha: Filosofia, 2017, pp. 211–232. [Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích; 16.]. ISBN 978-80-7007-504-3.

- Principy starořecké hudební teorie a praxe. [The Principles of Ancient Greek Music Theory and Practice.]. In Pseudo-Plútarchos. O hudbě. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 2015, pp. 73–85. ISBN 978-80-7298-505-0.


- J. A. Comenii Opera omnia / Dílo J. A. Komenského 26/II: Korespondence. Část II, 1639–1641 /Epistulae. Pars II, 1639–1641. Markéta Klosová, Vladimír Urbánek, Martin Steiner, Marcela Slavíková, Lucie Storchová, Kateřina Šolcová, Lenka Řezníková, Vojtěch Balík, Magda Králová a Václav Bok (eds.). Praha: Academia, 2024. 312 pp. ISBN 978-80-200-3563-9.

- Amico veteri suo Argentorati: Letters relating to Bohemian scholars held in the Archive of the Chapter of Saint Thomas in Strasbourg. With Marta Vaculínová. Listy filologické, 147 (2024), 1–2, pp. 113–140.

- A Recent Contribution to Johannes Banno’s Correspondence.With Marta Vaculínová. Listy filologické, 145 (2022), 1–2, pp. 195–232.

- Johannes Honorius Cubitensis (c. 1465–1504). In Vaculínová, M. – Storchová, L. – Slavíková, M. – Neškudla, B. – Podavka, O. – Králová, M. (eds.). Bohemian Editors and Translators at the Turn of the 16th Century. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, pp. 55–182. [Europa humanistica: Bohemia and Moravia; Volume 3.]. ISBN 978-2-503-59859-8.

- Johannes Honorius Cubitensis (c. 1465–1504). In Marta Vaculínová (ed.). Europa humanistica II: Editing and translating ancient classics in the Czech lands at the turn of the 16th century. Turnhout, 2021, pp. 55–182.

- The Bohemian lands. In Filippomaria Pontani – Stefan Weise (eds.). The Hellenizing Muse: A European Anthology of Poetry in Ancient Greek from the Renaissance to the Present. Berlin, 2021, pp. 280–305. On-line:

- J. A. Comenii Opera omnia / Dílo J. A. Komenského 26/I: Korespondence. Část I, 1628–1638 / Epistulae. Pars I, 1628–1638. [Complete Work of Johann Amos Comenius. Vol. 26/I. Correspondence.]. Martin Steiner, Tomáš Havelka, Vladimír Urbánek, Václav Bok, Markéta Klosová, Marcela Slavíková, Lucie Storchová, Kateřina Šolcová (eds.). Praha: Academia, 2018. ISBN 978-80-200-2991-1. (participation on the edition of Latin letters).

"The Utrecht Link": The Previously Unknown Correspondence between Jan Amos Comenius and Johann van Almeloveen (with Iva Lelková), Acta Comeniana, 31 (2017), pp. 63–92.


- (review). Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon: Zbytky latinského románu. Přel. Petr Šourek. Praha: Academia 2023. 182 s. Auriga, (2024), pp. 126–131.

- (review). Päll, J. – Volt, I. (eds.). Hellenostephanos. Humanist Greek in Early Modern Europe. Learned Communities between Antiquity and Contemporary Culture [= Acta Societatis Morgensternianae VI–VII]. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 2018. ISBN 978-9949-77-758-7. Acta Comeniana, 33 (2019), pp. 161–163.

- (review). Blahoslav, Jan. Musica. Eds. P. Daněk – J. K. Kroupa; Petr Daněk, Blahoslavova Musica (1569): nejstarší kompletně dochovaná učebnice hudební teorie v českém jazyce. Praha, 2016. ISBN 978-80-87773-37-6. Acta Comeniana, 30 (2016), pp. 215–216.

- (review). Barker, A. Ancient Greek Writers on their Musical Past: Studies in Greek Musical Historiography. Pisa – Roma: Fabrizio Serra (Syncrisis, 1) 2014. ISBN 978-88-6227-689-4. Listy filologické, 89 (2016), 3–4, pp. 485–487.

- (review). Nejeschleba, T. – Makovský, J. (eds.). Erasmovo dílo v minulosti a současnosti evropského myšlení [The Work of Erasmus in European Thought, Yesterday and Toda], Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7325-301-1. Acta Comeniana, 27 (2013), pp. 201–203. ISBN 978-80-7007-433-6. ISSN 0231-5955.

- (review:). Apofthegmata – výroky a příběhy pouštních otců. Svazek I, II. Z řeckého a latinského originálu přeložil a komentářem opatřil Jiří Pavlík. Praha: Benediktinské arciopatství sv. Vojtěcha a sv. Markéty, 2000, 2005. Auriga ZJKF, 50 (2008), pp. 132–133.

- (review). Černý, M. K. Hudba antických kultur. 2. vyd. Praha: Academia, 2006. Hudební věda, 44 (2007), pp. 361–363.