
History of Scholarship and the Global Imagination

Every Monday at 16.30 CET, 30 September – 16 December 2024, The online Scientiae seminar series...

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Analysing Paracelsus's Views of Alchemy with Digital Humanities Methods

24. 10. 2024, 16.00, the lecture room of the CMS, Jilská 1,  dr. Georgiana Hedesan (University of Oxford)...

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Doc. Veronika Čapská, Ph.D.

Work position: Research Fellow

Fields of Specialization:
cultural history; history of migration, exile, and diasporas; translation history; gift exchange; gender and women's history; history of religion and asceticism; theory of history

kancelář/office: 110a
tel.: +420 221 183 319
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Education and Academic Qualifications

- 01/12/2017: Habilitation (venia docendi), Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

- 01/10/2018 – 30/06/2019: Visiting Fellow at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

- 01/01/2014 – 31/03/2014: Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy

- 01/04/2012 – 31/06/2012: Visiting Fellow at European University Institute, Florence, Italy

- 29/04/2009: Ph.D., Ph.D. in Historical Anthropology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
(Member of the Czech-German 'Graduirtenkolleg' Lifeworlds and Communication Structures in Central European Society from 16th to 19th Centuries / Lebenswelten und Kommunikationsstrukturen in der mitteleuropäischen Gesellschaft vom 16.–19. Jahrhundert. The 'Graduirtenkolleg' was founded by prof. Richard van Dülmen and prof. Miroslav Hroch.)

- 09/09/2002: MA (Magister) in History and English Philology, Summa Cum Laude, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

- 08/1998 – 05/1999: Open Society Institute Scholarship, Randolph-Macon Womenʼs College, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA

Academic Employment

- 01/15/ 2021: Research Fellow at the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences

- 01/10/2014 – present: Assistant Professor and since 01/12/2017 Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

- 15/09/2004 – 01/09/2012: Assistant Professor at Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic

Teaching Experience

- 01/10/2014 – present: teaching courses at the Bachelor, Master and PhD levels in Czech and English study programmes at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

- 01/10/2009–30/06/2011: teaching courses at the Bachelor and Master levels at the Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic (external teaching).

- 15/09/2004 – 01/09/2012: teaching courses at the Bachelor and Master levels at the Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic.

Fields of Specialization

- cultural history; history of migration, exile, and diasporas; translation history; gift exchange; gender and women's history; history of religion and asceticism; theory of history

Research Grants and International Projects

- 2021–2022: Leader of the working group Memory and Identity in the COST Action CA 19112 Women on the Move (

- 2021–2024 Collaborator and Advisory Committee member in the AHRC grant network Connected Central European Worlds, 1500–1700 (grant holder: University of Kent, United Kingdom of Great Britain)

- 2021: Leader of the Czech team of the COST Action CA 19112 Women on the Move – Histories, Materialities and Practices in Central Europe and Beyond

- 2011–2015: Principal Investigator, Postdoctoral Research Grant of Czech Grant Agency (GAČR). Research Project: Anna Katharina and Franz Karl Swéerts-Sporck as Mediators in the Processes of Cultural Exchange at the Turn of Baroque and Enlightement. Grant registration number: 405/11/P510.

- 2009–2010: Principal Investigator, Standard Research Grant of Czech Grant Agency (GAČR), 2009 – 2010. Research Project: The Order of Servite Friars and Recatholicization Romance – Self-Representation of a Religious Order in the Habsburg Monarchy (1610–1790). Grant registration number: 404/09/0127.

Expert and Organizational Activities in the Czech Academy of Sciences

- 24. 9. 2019: Organization of the international workshop Keeping Track of People on the Move, Prague (cooperating institutions: Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences – Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Czechia)

- 25. 1. 2018: Organization of the lecture by Ewa Domańska Posthumanist History (Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu / Stanford University); (cooperating institutions: Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences – Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Czechia)

Expert and Organizational Activities Beyond the Czech Academy of Sciences

- 2015–2021: Editor-in-chief and since 2022 member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed academic journal Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika / History – Theory – Criticism (turned the journal into a bilingual scholarly review and achieved inclusion for indexing in the Elsevier SCOPUS database).

- Member of the International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ISECS) and service in the Board of the Czech branch of the International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies.

- Member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed academic journal Cornova. Revue of Czech Society for Eighteenth Century Studies.

- Member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed academic journal Historica Olomucensia.

Awards and Certificates

- 2020: Certificate in Polish Language and Culture, University of Warsaw, Poland (intensive summer course, August 3 to August 28, 2020)

- 2009: Jan Hus Foundation Award for the support of junior researchers

- 1999: Award of a Scholarship for an Internship at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia, USA, May – August 1999


Research Monographs

- Mezi texty a textiliemi. (Swéerts-)Šporkové, textové praxe a kulturní výměna na přelomu baroka a osvícenství. [Between Texts and Textiles. The (Swéerts-)Sporcks, Textual Practices and Cultural Exchange at the Turn of Baroque and Enlightenment]. Prague: Scriptorium, 2016. ISBN 978-80-88013-33-4.

- Představy společenství a strategie sebeprezentace – řád servitů v habsburské monarchii (1613–1780). [Imagined Community and Its Strategies of Representation − The Order of Servite Friars in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1613−1780]. Prague: Scriptorium, 2011. ISBN 978-80-87271-30-8.

Co-edited Books

- Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe, 1200−1800. Opava: European Social Fund – Silesian University, 2014. (main editor; collaborators: Robert Antonín, Martin Čapský).

Between Revival and Uncertainty. Monastic and Secular Female Communities in Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century / Zwischen Aufbruch und Ungewissheit. Klösterliche und weltliche Frauengemeinschaften in Zentraleuropa im „langen" 18. Jahrhundert. Opava: Silesian University in Opava, 2012. (co-edited with Ellinor Forster ‒ Janine Ch. Maegraith ‒ Christine Schneider).

- Gabriela Sobková z Kornic, provdaná ze Spens-Booden. Deníkové rodinné záznamy (1784−1808). [Gabriela Sobková of Kornice, Married of Spens-Booden. Diarial Family Records (1784−1808)]. Praha: Scriptorium, 2009. (co-author: Veronika Marková).

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Journals

- Servants of Francophilia. French Migrant Women as Governesses in the Bohemian Lands: Between Cultural Transmission and Reproduction of Social Distinction (1750–1810). Austrian History Yearbook, 2021, pp. 1–17 (published in the Cambridge Core online First View:

- Výzkum raně novověké směny darů a prameny osobní povahy – k možnostem antropologizace ekonomických dějin Střední Evropy. [Research in Early Modern Gift Exchange and Personal Writings. On the Possibilities of Anthropologising the Economic History of Central Europe]. Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika, 2 (2017), pp. 191−225.

- Čapská, V. – Storchová, L. Transkulturalita místo národní mytologie? Historický výzkum procesů kulturní výměny. [Transculturality Instead of National Mythology? Historical Research on Processes of Cultural Exchange]. Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika, 2 (2015), pp. 187–201.

- Framing a Young Nun's Initiation: Early Modern Convent Entry Sermons in the Habsburg Lands. Vestiges of a Lost Oral Culture. Austrian History Yearbook, 45 (2014), pp. 33−60 (Impact Factor 0,429); on-line:

- Čapská, V. − Tvarůžková, M. Zajištění rodové kontinuity a dvě svatební kázání nad sestrami z Neffzern přednesená v Hradci nad Moravicí roku 1737. [Establishing Family Continuity. Two Nuptional Sermons for Sisters of Neffzern Delivered at Hradec nad Moravicí in 1737]. Slezský sborník. Acta Silesiaca: Čtvrtletník pro vědy o společnosti, 112 (2014), 2, pp. 193−218.

- A Publishing Project of Her Own − Anna Katharina Swéerts-Sporck as a Patroness of the Servite Order and a Promoter of Devotional Literature. Cornova: Revue of Czech Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, 1 (2011), pp. 67−80.

- Jan Kristián Swéerts-Špork a František Girtler − na společné cestě mezi zbožností a ekonomickým zájmem. [Johann Christian Swéerts-Sporck and Franz Girtler – Together on a Journey Between Piety and Economic Interest]. Theatrum historiae, 6 (2011), 9, pp. 79−96.

- Askese im kulturellen Vergleich. Die Orientreisebeschreibung des Serviten Angelikus Müller (1677−1734). Saeculum: Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte, 61 (2010), 2, pp. 99−110.

- Konkurrenz der Frömmigkeitsmodelle und ordensinterne Innovation. Serviten nördlich den Alpen im 17. bis 18. Jahrhundert. Bohemia: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder, 48 (2008), pp. 116–129.

- Confinia Moraviae. Kazatel Ondřej Antonín Richter († 1750) mezi Moravou a Slezskem. [Confinia Moraviae. The Preacher Andreas Anton Richter (†1750) between Moravia and Silesia]. Acta Historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis, 1 (2008), pp. 337−358.

Chapters in collective volumes (selection)

- The (Swéerts-) Sporcks and Their Subjects: Local and Transcultural Printing and Distribution of Heterodox Books in Eighteenth-Century Bohemia. In Dillenburg, E. – Louthan, H. – Thomas, D. (eds.). Print Culture at the Crossroads: The Book and Central Europe (Library of the Written Word Series). Leiden – Boston: Brill, pp. 451–471. ISBN 978-90-04-44892-6.

- Words at Work. Words on the Move. Textual Production of Migrant Women from Early Modern Prague Between Discourses and Practices. In Beatrice Zucca Micheletto (ed.). Gender and Migration in Historical Perspective: Institutions, Economic Resources and Social Networks in the 16th to 20th Centuries. Palgrave Macmillan. (forthcoming)

- Maria Eleonora Sporck (1687−1717) and Anna Katharina Swéerts-Sporck (1689−1754): Practitioners and Promoters of the Word at the Edge of the Enlightenment (Chapter 10). In Ulrich L. Lehner (ed.). Women, Enlightenment and Catholicism: A Transnational Biographical History. London – New York: Routledge, 2017, pp. 132−148.

- Cultural Transfers by Means of Translation. Bohemian Lands as a Space of Translation Flows During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. In Čapská, V. a kol. (eds.). Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe, 1200−1800. Opava: European Social Fund – Slezská Univerzita v Opavě, 2014, pp. 77−127. ISBN 978-80-7510-128-0.

- Zbožnost [Piety]. In Storchová, L. et al. (eds.). Koncepty a Dějiny: Proměny pojmů v současné historické vědě. [Concepts and History: Conceptual Transformations in Contemporary Historical Research]. Prague: Scriptorium, 2014, pp. 319−337.

- Mediale Selbstrepräsentation eines religiösen Ordens. Die Serviten und ihre Wunschvorstellung einer Schlüsselrolle im habsburgischen Kampf für ein katholisches Zentraleuropa. In Behringer, W. – Havelka, M. – Reinholdt, K. (eds.). Mediale Konstruktionen in der frühen Neuzeit: Studien zur Mediengeschichte I. Affalterbach: Didymos Verlag, 2013, pp. 85−96.

- Between Revival and Uncertainty – Female Religious Life in Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century. In Čapská, V. – Forster, E. – Maegraith, J. Ch. – Schneider, Ch. (eds.). Between Revival and Uncertainty: Monastic and Secular Female Communities in Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century. Opava: European Social Fund – Slezská Univerzita v Opavě, 2012, pp. 11–33. ISBN 978-80-7248-786-8.

- Mendicant Friar in Contact with "Other" Religious Virtuosi: the Travel Writing of the Servite Angelikus Maria Müller (1677–1734). In Saczyńska, M. – Wółkiewicz, E. (eds.). Samotrzeć, w kompanii czy z orszakiem? Spoleczne aspekty podróżowania w średniowieczu i w czasach nowożytnych. Warsaw: German Historical Institute in Warszau – Polish Academy of Sciences, 2012, pp. 387–402.

- Das Kloster als Hinterbühne? Die Problematik der Selbstrepräsentation eines Mendikantenordens am Beispiel der Serviten. In Specht, H. – Černušák, T. et al. (eds.). Leben und Alltag in böhmisch-mährischen und niederösterreichischen Klöstern in Spätmittelalter und Neuzeit. St. Pölten – Brno: Diözesanarchiv St. Pölten, 2010, pp. 130−142.

- Misionářky mikrosvěta. Řeholní ideál v kázáních při příležitosti vstupu žen do olomouckých klášterů. [Missionaries of the Microcosmos. Religious Ideal in the Sermons over the Entry to Female Convents in Olomouc]. In Elbel, M. – Jakubec, O. – Bláha, J. (eds.). Olomoucké baroko: Výtvarná kultura z let 1620−1780. Proměny ambicí jednoho města. Olomouc: Museum of Art, 2010, pp. 197−203.

- Servité a barokní poutní krajina Střední Evropy. In Mihola, J. (ed.). Na cestě do nebeského Jeruzaléma. Poutnictví v českých zemích ve středoevropském kontextu. [On the Way to Celestial Jerusalem. Pilgrimages in Bohemian Lands in Their Central European Contexts] Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, 2010, pp. 115−126. ISBN 978-80-7028-359-2.

- Sestry alžbětinky v konfesně odlišných mikrosvětech českých korunních zemí. [Nuns of St. Elisabeth Order in the Confessionally Distinct Urban Micro-Worlds of Bohemian Lands]. In Dáňová, H. – Klípa, J. – Stolárová, L. (eds.). Slezsko – země Koruny české: Historie a kultura 1300–1740. Prague: National Gallery in Prague, 2008, pp. 81–91.

- Rekatolizace zasazená do literárních schémat romance. Příklad řádu servitů. [Recatholization Framed by the Literary Forms of Romance. Example of the Order of Servite Friars]. In Elbel, M. (ed.). Limity a možnosti historického poznání. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2008, pp. 7–21.

- Narativní obrazové cykly zaalpských servitů a otázka sebepojímání řádu. [Narrative Visual Cycles of the Transalpine Servite Friars and the Self-Concept of a Religious Order]. In Čornejová, I. – Kuchařová, H. – Valentová, K. (eds.). Locus pietatis et vitae. Prague: Scriptorium, 2008, pp. 415–433.

- Spiritualita servitů z genderové perspektivy. Příspěvek ke zkoumání podob barokního mariánského kultu na příkladu specifického řádového modelu. [Servite FriarsʼSpirituality from the Gender Perspective. A Contribution to the Research of the Forms of Baroque Marian Cult on the Example of a Specific Religious Model]. In Nodl, M. – Tinková, D. (eds.). Antropologické přístupy v historickém bádání. Prague: Argo, 2007, pp. 71–93.

- Via Matris – eine Paralelle zu Via Crucis? Der Servitenorden als ein Träger der Marienfrömmigkeit (1620–1780), Zum Einfluss der Umwandlung der Ordensidentität auf die Wallfahrtspraxis. In Doležal, D. – Kühne, H. (eds.). Wallfahrten in der europäischen Kultur. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2006, pp. 439–452.

- Vytváření prostoru pro působení servitů v českých zemích v 17. a 18. století. [Creating Space for the Activity of Servite Friars in the Bohemian Lands in the 17th and 18th Centuries]. In Čornejová, I. (ed.). Úloha církevních řádů při pobělohorské rekatolizaci: Sborník příspěvků z pracovního semináře konaného ve Vranově u Brna ve dnech 4.–5. 6. 2003. Praha: Scriptorium, 2003, pp. 152–164. ISBN 80-86197-49-2.

- "I Alone Have Escaped to Tell You", Womenʼs Captivity Experience in Early Modern New England. In Bůžek, V. – Štefanová, D. (eds.). Mensch – Handlung – Struktur: Historisch–anthropologische Zugangsweisen in den Geschichtswissenschaften. České Budějovice: Editio Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, 2001, pp. 161–171. ISBN 80-7040-521-X.

Editorials, Interviews, Reviews and Reports (selection)

- Čapská, V. – Wohlmuth, P. Theoretically Informed History writing and Present-Minded Questions. Editorial. Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika, 2021, 1, pp. 5–8.

- Čapská, V. 'I feel like I am a hybrid myself '. An Interview with Professor Peter Burke (University of Cambridge). Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika, 2021, 1, pp. 109–129. Available online:

- Čapská, V. Critical History Writing and the ʻOtherʼ Europe. Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika, 2020, 2, pp. 185–187.

- Čapská, V. (review). Burke, P. Exiles and Expatriates in the History of Knowledge, 1500–2000. Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika, 1, 2019, pp. 122–125.

- Čapská, V. (review). Corens, L. Confessional Mobility and English Catholics in Counter-Refromation Europe. Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika, 1, 2020, pp. 139–141.

- Čapská, V. – Čapský, M. (review). Ozment, S. Purkmistrova dcera. Skandál v německém městě 16. století. Dějiny a současnost: Kulturně historická revue, 2017, 3, p. 46.

 - Čapská, V. (review). Wolf, M. Die vielsprachige Seele Kakaniens. Übersetzen und Dolmetschen in der Habsburgermonarchie 1848 bis 1918. Dějiny−Teorie−Kritika, 11 (2014), 1, pp. 161–163.

- Čapská, V. (review). CRĂCIUN, M. – FULTON, E. (eds.). Communities of Devotion: Religious Orders and Society in East Central Europe, 1450–1800. The History of Women Religious of Britain and Ireland, February 2013; on-line:

Čapská, V. (review). Cerman, I. – Krueger, R. – Reynolds, S. (eds.). The Enlightenment in Bohemia: Religion, Morality and Multiculturalism. Acta Comeniana, 26 (2012), pp. 238−239.

Čapská, V. (review). Křížová, M. The Strength and Sinews of This Western World: African Slavery, American Colonies and the Effort for Reform of European Society in the Early Modern Era. Acta Comeniana, 25 (2011), pp. 304−305.

Čapská, V. (review). Walker, L. H. A Mother's Love. Crafting Feminine Virtue in Enlightenment France. Cornova: Revue České společnosti pro výzkum 18. století a FF UK v Praze 1, 2011, 1, pp. 126−128.

Čapská, V. 125. kongres Americké historické asociace, Boston 6. – 9. ledna 2011. Acta historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis, 4, 2011, pp. 332.

Čapská, V. (review). Louthan, H. Converting Bohemia. Force and Persuasion in Catholic Reformation. Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 10 (2010), 2; on-line:

Čapská, V. (review). Ratajová, J. – Storchová, L. (eds.). Vessels without Heads? The Discourses of the Virginity and Widowhood in Czech Early Modern Literature (Nádoby mdlé hlavy nemající? Diskursy panenství a vdovství v české literatuře raného novověku). East-Central Europe, 37 (2010), pp. 147−149.

Čapská, V. (review). Halvorson, M. J. – Spierling, K. E. (eds.). Defining Community in Early Modern Europe. Lidé města/Urban People, 12 (2010), 3, pp. 627–628.

Čapská, V. – Čapský, M. Samotrzeć, w kompanii czy z orszakiem? Podróżowanie w średniowieczu i czasach nowożytnych. Časopis Matice moravské, 129 (2010), 2, pp. 426–427.

Čapská, V. (review). Der Mönch. Ein kultur- und religionsübergreifender Vergleich. Acta historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis, 2 (2009), pp. 308–309.

Čapská, V. (review). Macek, O. (ed.). Po vzoru Berojských. Život i víra českých a moravských evangelíků v předtoleranční a toleranční době. Studia Comeniana et Historica, 39 (2009), pp. 17−18.

Čapská, V. (review). Pavlíčková, R. Triumphus in Mortem. Pohřební kázání nad biskupy v raném novověku. Acta historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis, 2 (2009), pp. 285−286.

Čapská, V. (review). Gleixner, U. Pietismus und Bürgertum. Eine historische Anthropologie der Frömmigkeit. Würtemberg 17.–19. Jahrhundert. Acta Comeniana, 20–21 (2007), pp. 270–271.

Čapská, V. Männlichkeit und Gesundheit 1500–1900/Masculinity and Health 1500–1900. FrühneuzeitInfo, 18 (2007), 1, 0940-4007; online:

Čapská, V. Generální archiv řádu servitů v Římě. Archivní časopis, 56 (2006), pp. 292–296.

Čapská, V. (rec.). Weiss, S. Claudia deʼ Medici. Eine italienische Prinzessin als Landesfürstin von Tirol, 1604–1648. Časopis Matice Moravské, 123 (2004), pp. 536−538

Čapská, V. (rec.). Grabner, E. Mater Gratiarum. Marianische Kultbilder in der Volksfrömmigkeit des Ostalpenraumes. Časopis Slezského muzea – B 52, 2003, pp. 299−300.

Organization of International Workshops and Conferences (selection)

- Co-organization of a panel: 15th International Congress on the Enlightenment, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 14–19/07/2019. Panel: Correspondence Collections from (East-)Central Europe between Textuality and Materiality. (co-organized with Teodora Shek Brnardić)

- International workshop Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe, 1200−1800, Silesian University, Opava, Czechia, 5−6/12/2012. Paper: In Search for the Cultural History of Translation in Early Modern Bohemia. The Examples of Sporck and Swéerts-Sporck Translation Projects.

- Mezinárodní workshop Piety and Fluidity between the Boundaries of Convent and World (1350−1810), Silesian University, Opava, Czechia, 23/04/2012. Paper: Sermons Related to Female Religious Milieu as Communication Channels across the Divide between Convents and World (co-author with Hedvika Kuchařová)

- Co-organization of a panel: 13th International Congress for Eighteenth Century Studies, Universität Graz, Austria, Graz, 25−29/07/2011. Panel: Frauenklöster im langen 18. Jahrhundert (Zentral- und Osteuropa).(co-organized with Christine Schneider). Introductory Paper (Impulsreferat): Between Revival and Uncertainty? Female Religious Life in (East) Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century.