Mgr. Jan Čížek, Ph.D.
Former Postdoctoral Fellow of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern and Intellectual History
Education and Academic Qualification
- 2010–2014: (Ph.D.) Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
- 2008–2011: Pedagogy, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
- 2008–2010: (Mgr.) Philosophy and History, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
- 2005–2008: (Bc.) Philosophy and History, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
Work Experience
- Since 07/2016: Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History (postdoctoral fellow)
- Since 09/2015: Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Department of Philosophy (Assistant Professor)
- Since 01/2012: Centre for Renaissance Texts, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc (Research fellow)
Lectures and Mentoring
- Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Department of Philosophy:
- Četba a interpretace filozofických textů [Reading and Interpretation of Philosophical Texts] – ZS 2015/2016, ZS 2016/2017
- Dějiny novověké filozofie [History of Modern Philosophy] – ZS 2015/2016, ZS 2015/2016
- Pýcha rozumu - Osvícenský rozum a jeho kritika [The Pride of Reason – The Reason of Enlightenment and its Critics] – ZS 2015/2016, ZS 2016/2017
- Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc, Department of Philosophy:
- Filosofie od Augustina po Machiavelliho [Philosophy from Augustine to Machiavelli] – ZS 2013/2014; ZS 2014/2015; ZS 2015/2016
- Filosofie vrcholné renesance a raného novověku [Philosophy of High Renaissance and Early Modern Epoch] – LS 2013/2014; LS 2014/2015
- Osobnost J. A. Komenského [J. A. Comenius] – LS 2010/2011; ZS 2011/2012
- Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských J. A. Komenského [The General Consultation of J. A. Comenius] – LS 2011/2012
Research Fields of Interest
Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy, philosophy of Enlightenment, Comenius Studies, history of science, Francis Bacon
Study Visits
- 05/2016: National Delegation Leader and International Jury member, International Philosophy Olympiad 2016, Gent (Belgium), Web: http://www.ipo2016.be/
- 05/2015: National Delegation Leader and International Jury member, International Philosophy Olympiad 2015, Tartu (Estonia), Web: http://www.ipo2015.ee/
- 07/2014: Research visit in Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (Amsterdam) and in Comenius Museum and Mausoleum (Naarden), The Netherlands.
- 05/2014: National Delegation Leader and International Jury member, International Philosophy Olympiad 2014, Vilnius (Lithuania), Web: http://www.ipo2014.lt/
- 05/2013: Member of the Czech delegation and International Jury, International Philosophy Olympiad 2013, Odense (Denmark), Web: http://www.ipo2013.dk/
- 05/2012: 05/2012: Member of the Czech delegation and International Jury, International Philosophy Olympiad 2012, Oslo (Norway), Web: http://www.ipo2012.no/
05/2011: Member of the Czech delegation and International Jury, International Philosophy Olympiad 2011, Vienna (Austria), Web: http://www.ipo2011.at/
Research Grants, Projects and Scholarships
- 2015: Scholarship of František Topič Endowment Fund
- 2014–2018: GA ČR, Czech Science Foundation, Between Renaissance and Baroque: Philosophy and Knowledge in the Czech Lands within the Wider European Context, GB14-37038G (team member)
- 2012–2013: Scholarship of Husovy nadace
- 2012–2014: Project ESF OP VK, Centre for Renaissance Texts, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0026, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc (team member)
- 2011: Student Grant Competition, Palacký University Olomouc, Project FF_2011_006, Johann Heinrich Alsted – A Mediator between Francesco Patrizi and J. A. Comenius? (coordinator)
The Conception of Man in the Works of John Amos Comenius. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016, 233 s. [European Studies in Theology, Philosophy and History of Religions, ed. by B. Adamczewski; Vol. 15.]. ISBN 978-3-631-67873-2.
Selected Articles
- The Importance of Analogy in the Work of John Amos Comenius. Archivio di Filosofia. (in press)
- Čížek, J. a kol. John Toland a jeho Křesťanství bez mystérií. [John Toland and his Christianity not Mysterious]. Pro-Fil: Internetový časopis pro filosofii, 17 (2016), 2,p. 30–41.
- The Concept of Panaugia according to Francesco Patrizi and John Amos Comenius. Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej, 61 (2016), p. 153–164.
- Filosoficko-teologická koncepce člověka v emendačním díle J. A. Komenského. [Philosophical-Theological Conception of Man in the Emendatory Work of J. A. Comenius.], Studia Comeniana et historica, 45 (2015), 93–94. (in press).
- Petr Chelčický und Jan Amos Komenský: zwischen dem Gedanken der Gewaltfreiheit und der Konzeption einer universalen Toleranz. Acta Comeniana, 29 (2015), p. 41–60.
- The Pansophia of Jan Amos Comenius with Regard to his Concept of Nature. Acta Comeniana 28 (2014), p. 51–93.
- On the eschatology of Consultatio catholica. Studia Comeniana et Historica, 44 (2014), 91–92, p. 19–30.
- Filosoficko-teologická koncepce člověka v Komenského Konsultaci. [Philosophical-Theological Conception of Man in Comenius’s Consultatio]. Studia Comeniana et Historica, 44 (2014) 91–92, p. 31–64.
- Patricius – Alstedius – Comenius: A Few Remarks on Patricius' Reception in Early Modern Central Europe. In Nejeschleba, T. – Blum, P. R. (eds.). Francesco Patrizi: Philosopher of the Renaissance. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014, p. 370–384.
- Johann Heinrich Alsted: A Mediator between Francesco Patrizi and J. A. Comenius?. Acta Comeniana, 26 (2012), p. 69–88.
- The Teachings of Petr Chelčický and Its Reception in the Tradition of the Czech Philosophical Thought. Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities – Philosophica, 1 (2011), p. 49–59.
- Filosofie Franceska Patriziho a Jana Amose Komenského ve světle jejich vrcholných děl. [The Philosophy of Francesco Patrizi and John Amos Comenius in the Light of Their Greatest Works]. Studia Comeniana et Historica, 40 (2010), 83–84, p. 21–45.
- (Review.). J. A. Comenii Opera omnia / Dílo J. A. Komenského 19/I. Martin Steiner, Vojtěch Balík, Dagmar Čapková, Věra Schifferová, Markéta Klosová a Lucie Storchová (edd.). Praha: Academia, 2014. ISBN 978-80-200-2448-0. Acta Comeniana, 28 (2014), p. 169–171.
- (Review.). Lima, M. The Book of Trees: Visualizing Branches of Knowledge. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2014. ISBN 978-1-61689-218-0. Studia Comeniana et Historica, 44 (2014), 91–92, p. 272–273.
- (Review.). Floss, P. Meditace na rozhraní epoch [Meditations on the Turn of an Epoch]. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7325-286-1. Acta Comeniana, 26 (2012), p. 186–191.
- (Review.). Schäfer, Ch. – Voigt, U. (Hg.). Schriften zur Triadik und Ontodynamik : Memoria – Intellectus – Voluntas. Band 29. Frankfurt am Main, 2011. Studia Comeniana et Historica, 41 (2011), 85, p. 152–153.
Entries in Encyclopaedias
- John Amos Comenius. In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy. [online: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-02848-4].
- Petr Chelčický. In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy. [online: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-02848-4].
- Nejeschleba, T. a kol. (ed.). Pojetí svobody v dějinách a současnosti filosofie. [The Conception of Freedom in the History of Philosophy and in the Contemporary Philosophy]. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7325-331-8.
- Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting 2017, Chicago, IL, Palmer House 30. 3. – 1. 4. 2017, Chicago, IL (paper „John Amos Comenius and his Philosophy of Man“).
- 30th International Comeniological Colloquium Fines – Limes – Termini, A border between a philosophical category, social interaction, and cartographic notation, J. A. Comenius Museum, in cooperation with the Unie Comenius and the Institutes of Philosophy and History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 12–13 October 2016. (Paper “Comenius’s Emendation of Society and its Limits“).
- The international conference Scientiae Oxford 2016, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford, 5–7 July 2016. (Paper “The Concept of Man in the Works of John Amos Comenius“).
- The international conference Epistolary Cultures: Letters and Letter-writing in Early Modern Europe, Department of English and Related Literature, University of York, 18–20 March 2016 (Paper “Comenius’s Concept of Pansophy as Seen through His Correspondence“).
- Jahrestagung 2015 Lukas von Prag – der vergessene Reformator, Akademie Herrnhut für politische und kulturelle Bildung in Herrnhut (Germany), 18–21 November 2015 (Paper “Petr Chelčický und Jan Amos Komenský: zwischen dem Gedanken der Gewaltfreiheit und der Konzeption einer universalen Toleranz“).
- Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting Berlin 2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 25–28 March 2015 (Paper “The Concept of Panaugia by Francesco Patrizi and John Amos Comenius“).
- The international conference Francesco Patrizi: Philosopher of the Renaissance, Centre for Renaissance Texts, Palacký University Olomouc, 24-26 April 2014 (Paper “Patricius – Alstedius – Comenius. A Few Remarks on Patricius’ Reception in Early Modern Central Europe“).
- Colloquium III. Dies bibliographicus, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, 8th March 2013 (Review “Pavel Floss, Meditace na rozhraní epoch, Brno 2012“).
- The international conference 21st Days of Frane Petrić – From Petrić to Bošković: Croatian Philosophers in the European Context, Croatian Philosophical Society, Cres (Croatia), 26–29 September 2012 (Paper “Johann Heinrich Alsted and John Amos Comenius: Two Cases of the Reception of Franciscus Patricius in Early Modern Central Europe“).
- Conference Filosofie přírody mezi aristotelismem a darwinismem [The Philosophy of Nature between Aristotle and Darwin], Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc, 2nd December 2011. (Paper “Přírodně-filosofický systém Franceska Patriziho [Natural-Philosophical System of Francesco Patrizi“).
- 28th International Comeniological Colloquium Komenský a soudobá politická teorie a praxe, Museum of J. A. Comenius in Uherský Brod, 12–13 October 2011 (Paper “Myšlenka nenásilí a postoj k moci světa v Jednotě bratrské: Od Chelčického ke Komenskému [The Idea of Non-Violence and the Relation to Power of the World in the Unity of Czech Brethren: From Chelčický to Comenius]“).
- The international conference Svoboda rozhodování v dějinách a současnosti filosofie [The Freedom of Decision-Making in the History of Philosophy and in the Contemporary Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University, 5–7 October 2011. (Paper “Pojetí svobody rozhodování v Komenského Obecné poradě o nápravě věcí lidských [The Conception of Freedom of Decision-Making in Comenius’s General Consultation]“).