History of Scholarship and the Global Imagination
Every Monday at 16.30 CET, 30 September – 16 December 2024, The online Scientiae seminar series...
Analysing Paracelsus's Views of Alchemy with Digital Humanities Methods
24. 10. 2024, 16.00, the lecture room of the CMS, Jilská 1, dr. Georgiana Hedesan (University of Oxford)...
Plumbing the Depths of the Mind. Leibniz and the Invention of the Unconscious
zasedací místnost FLÚ, 1. parto
Jilská 1, Praha 1
Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku FLÚ AV ČR, v. v. i.
Prezentace knih
Akademické konferenční centrum, Husova 4a, Praha 1
Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku FLÚ AV ČR, v. v. i.
Between the Labyrinth and the Way of Light: Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge and Johannes Amos Comenius
Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences
German Historical Institute Warsaw (Co-organiser)
Josef Válka a myšlení o dějinách
Husova 4a, Praha 1
Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku
Centrum medievistických studií
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge #6
YouTube channel "Comenius online"
Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to watch a live stream of the 6th meeting of online seminar series.
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge #5
YouTube channel "Comenius online"
Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to watch a live stream of the 5th meeting of online seminar series.
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge #4
YouTube channel "Comenius online"
Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to watch a live stream of the 4th meeting of online seminar series.
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge #3
YouTube channel "Comenius online"
Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to watch a live stream of the 3rd meeting of online seminar series.
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge #2
YouTube channel "Comenius online"
Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to watch a live stream of the second meeting of online seminar series.
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge #1
YouTube channel "Comenius online"
Live stream of the first of online seminar series organized by the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences